
frontal lobotomy

movies like Meet the Spartans (and the rest from that duo, whose names i can't remember) are designed to make film students with any kind of self-respect feel like ass. outwardly, they talk about how horrible the movies are and how they can't believe such travesties get made. inwardly, they curse themselves and wish for just the right amount of brain damage that would allow them to stoop low enough to make that much money on something so blatantly horrid.
i'm one of them. it'll pass, but in the meantime, anyone have an icepick?
sometimes i have to think that the filmmakers in question realize just how bad their movies are and are laughing all the way to the bank. which makes me despise them, because that's just vile. i hope they can't enjoy a cent of what they make. it would be much better if they were that genuinely stupid. i hate to think about things being made out of anything other than genuine-ness. which makes me a silly, fluff-headed idealist. oh well.

1 comment:

DM said...

It's a bit strange to think that people who once (or may still) have 'vision' might be making schlock movies. Yet, how often have we found ourselves in situations of our own making, almost bewildered as to how we got there, but looking back, the path is not so hard to see.

By the same token, perhaps there are those who see movies like this at a young age-or at a time when they desperately need them-and really laugh. It's dumb, but they connect to it somehow; whatever the reason. These people get into, or grow up to, make films like this because once upon a time they were brought joy by something of this nature. Unlikely perhaps, but still possible.

Then there's the group who think that all gods should be mocked. 300 was NOT the be all end all of fucking movies, and should be nudged accordingly. Granted, I had a better time with my buddies MST3King it-quietly soas not to disturb the other patrons (much) but not everyone has the deposits of wit.

And then there are people who need the work, so they can do other things. Not everyone, I figure, is disillusioned hacks (although there are plenty of those, too)