

i am a northern european mutt. part irish, part scottish, part welsh, part german, part norwegian, part swedish, part polish, part austrian, part bohemian. so, really, gaelic, celtic, nordic, slavic, and saxon- which about covers the northern european tribal units. this mutt-ness comes in handy, when i am in europe, because i don't look american. i lack the open face and the wide set eyes and the bland nose that generations of homogenization have created in certain parts of america- the 'California' look. it's interesting, because my father looks very american- very much like the boy scout he is. but my mother looks like she's related to brigid, so i suppose i get it from her. anyhow, the point of telling you all of this is that i find it amusing that i can legitimately call myself a bohemian. and even the bohemians, now the czech, would agree.
just don't call me moravian.

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