
seeing not seen

when you watch projected film- the real stuff, the physical thing- you spend half of your time in complete darkness. as the film runs through the projection apparatus, the light shining through the frames is alternately obscured and revealed by a spinning shutter. it's difficult to explain, much easier to just show you, but believe me- you are spending half of your time in darkness.
projected video, because of scan lines and such, never leaves you in the same sort of darkness.
this, i think, is one of the two fundamental differences between film and video. the other is not important right now.
just know that you spend half of your time in darkness, whenever you go to the theater.


~ethan said...

you know. i never thought about this. sweet, sweet, flicker, keeping us in halfdarkness.

libi said...

it's impossibly important, the idea of darkness. this is why i don't like digital... digital doesn't have *DARK*. it just has black.

Anonymous said...

Half your time in darkness
filled with insides—
bowels sweet and full,
languid juices savoring;

Tongues rolled about
in quiet solicitude
of unspake

An unfull light
of suggestions
and static

tastes, eyes closed,
of sweat.