

my throat feels as though i swallowed nails this morning. which i didn't, if you were wondering. I tells me that i sound like tom waits when i am sick like this. i can't decide if that is a good or a bad thing.
everyone in my family is traditionally sick for at least one of the three major holidays in the last quarter of the year. last year i was sick for both thanksgiving and christmas. it would appear that this year i get halloween, unless this clears up in the next two days- which is highly unlikely. this feels like the kind of sick that, before i had a tonsillectomy, would have left me miserable and bedridden for a week at the very least.
i wonder who gets to be sick on thanksgiving this year?

1 comment:

David Schoonover said...

You immediately usurped my first thought, which was, "Did you?" :(

You should make a point of feeling better soon, even if Tom Waits does have an awfully sexy voice.
